CM 322 at Loyola (Spring 2015)
Please click on the name of each student to view their work:
Sophia Bell [Brochure, Postcard & Poster]
Toni Gasparis [Poster, Postcard & Fact sheet]
Priscilla Korompis [Brochure, Postcard & Poster]
Taylor Hadley [Flyer/Poster, Brochure & Postcard]
Meaghan Reilly [Poster, Postcard & Fact sheet]
Haley Pollard [Brochure, Poster/Flyer & Postcard]
Theme: Infographics on "Loyola Living"
Sophia Bell [Interactive Web version]
Priscilla Korompis [Print/Image version]
Jennifer Harmon [Print/Image version]
Jennifer Harmon [Interactive Web version]
Tyler Fuller
Garrie Grenfell
Laura O'Donnell
Stephanie Pryor
Chelsea Schonhaut
Sarah Smith